The issue is caused by large sample buffers, mainly the USB buffer size.

I've worked around it before by just patching gr-osmosdr and libhackrf to
use smaller buffers. This isn't a great fix because it will increase chance
of dropped samples at high rates. Here are the patches:

You may also need to play around with GNURadio max. buffers as discussed

On 4 December 2015 at 13:47, Mitja kocjančič <> wrote:

> Hi I am transmitting FM Modulated signal on 76 Mhz  and recieving it on my
> Sangean ATS 909X
> The signal is normal FM Radio signal with RDS and Stereo but for some
> reason there is 1 second delay (when I change song for instance it takes 1
> seconds for my Radio to notice that)
> Thats strange to me because I always thought that FM Modulation happens in
> real time and when you say something into microfone radio will pick
> it immediately.
> I know that 1 second delay happens with DAB (because you must encode audio
> and then decode it) but not on FM
> So could anybody be so kinf and tell me the reason why this delay happens
> and how to overcome this.
> Thanks for Anwsering and Best Regards
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