On 6/2/2015 12:38 PM, Andrew Hayworth wrote:
> Are you reloading HAProxy or issuing a 'set ssl ocsp-response' command
> via the stats socket after you retrieve the response? That's necessary
> after you pull down an updated OCSP response.
> For example, here's our script that pulls down the OCSP response then
> loads it in via the stats
> socket: https://gist.github.com/ahayworth/e27e12bd0f9d9f10f3c2

I did not catch the reload or "set" requirement when I was researching
this.  Looks like a reload fixed it.  I don't want to do a reload once
an hour, so I would like to use the socket method.

My script may update a dozen ocsp responses all used by a single haproxy
process ... so when I am using the stats socket to set the ocsp
response, how do I tell haproxy which of the certificates it is using
needs that response?  Do I need to diffeentiate them, or simply send all
the ocsp responses in via the stats socket?


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