Hi James,

On Fri, May 06, 2016 at 02:41:12PM -0700, James Brown wrote:
> We've got HAProxy sitting in front of a menagerie of web servers, none
> of which handle `Expect: 100-continue` in any way, shape, or form.
> When someone hits us with a POST from cURL, there's a kind of
> irritating 1 second delay while cURL waits for the "HTTP/1.1 100
> Continue" response. Rather than try to solve it in every application
> server, I was wondering if there's any way to force HAProxy to send a
> "100 Continue" response when it gets a POST with "Expect:
> 100-continue" (and then delete the Expect from the proxied request, of
> course).
> It seems like there's already code for sending a 100 Continue if the
> `http-buffer-request` option is set, so I guess I'm just asking about
> the feasibility of making that behavior a stand-alone option without
> having to put the whole request in RAM.

It's not the whole request that fits in RAM, it's always limited to the
size of a buffer (typically 16kB). So you shouldn't worry at all, this
option will definitely help you without adding any extra cost.

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