            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

If you're a political junkie you're gonna love this week...We got Kerry announcing for 
President and playing catch up with Dean...We got the big New Mexico Dem Debate hosted 
by Gov. Bill Richardson...We got Gray Davis unveiling ads featuring Senator Dianne 
Feinstein...We got the CA Recall debate tomorrow sans Arnold...And we've got Congress 
back in session (as if you didn't have enough excitement in your life already)...

Chris is out in L.A. today and tomorrow to cover the Recall...Shuster's kickin' it out 
in Sacramento as well...More than likely we'll do some CA Recall/Kerry announcement 
combo in A...

In the B block we'll talk to Norah and Howard about the congressional agenda ahead, 
the Dem debate on Thursday and Kerry's announcement...

And Later...Luntz is gonna do a live focus group of Burbank voters and he and Chris 
will ask them what the think of The Recall, Arnold and the rest of the field...We'll 
also throw in comedian Ben Stein to get his take...Last time he was on he was totally 
slamming Arnold...

We're still hashing out the guest lineup so tune in for some surprises...Btw, how 
about that Torres/Dreier Buzz last night?? Pretty hot huh?

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing

Making official what has long been apparent, Sen. John Kerry officially declared his 
candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination on Tuesday, saying that President 
Bush is "taking the United States and the world in the wrong direction." (MSNBC) 

Set to make candidacy official, Kerry faces question of theme...Sen. John Kerry's 
speech announcing the formal start of his Democratic presidential bid marks a pivotal 
moment for the campaign, and he worked on the speech until the last minute, exposing 
divisions within his team on the campaign's direction. (AP) 

Orin: He's doing it in South Carolina instead of his home state of Massachusetts in 
what's widely seen as a move to create a fallback position in case he loses New 
Hampshire. http://www.nypost.com/news/nationalnews/4713.htm

Sen. John Kerry biographical data (AP) 

For Kerry, Playing Catch-Up...Overtaken by Dean, Senator Seeks to Revive Campaign (The 
Washington Post) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A8597-2003Aug31.html

Only 139 days until the presidential primary season begins. Do you know how your 
favorite candidate is doing? The 2004 campaign for the White House, believe it or not, 
enters flat-out mode this fall. With nine Democrats piling on each other and President 
Bush, it's going to be chaotic and confusing. But there are ways to sort things out. 
(USA Today) http://www.usatoday.com/usatonline/20030902/5460365s.htm

Democrats blast Bush for job losses...Candidates target trade, labor policies at N.H., 
Iowa rallies (The Boston Globe) 

President Bush, rested and ready after nearly a month at his ranch, returns to work at 
the White House today with high support from Americans for the war in Iraq, a reviving 
national economy and a burgeoning bank account for his 2004 re-election campaign (The 
Washington Times) http://washingtontimes.com/national/20030902-121432-2094r.htm

Liberals find many ways to spread word...Left-wing activists, energized by what they 
see as an incompetent and ultraconservative Bush administration, have taken their 
fight to the Internet, the best-seller lists and pop culture, mirroring the rise of 
conservative media and talk radio during the Clinton years. (The Washington Times) 

A new liberal group with major backing from leftist billionaire George Soros has 
declared its intention to raise $75 million to defeat President Bush and other 
conservatives next year in an effort separate from the Democratic Party and the new 
campaign-finance restrictions imposed on it. (Human Events) 

Bomb rocks Iraqi police HQ in Baghdad 

Thousands march on Najaf...Hundreds of thousands of mourners streamed into the holy 
city of Najaf on Tuesday for the funeral of Ayatollah Mohammad Baqir al-Hakim, a 
moderate cleric killed in a car bombing last week.

Countries balk at aiding Iraq...Few pledge money because of security fears, U.S. 
control (The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.com/news/960158.asp?0dm=N21FN

Election will shape fall in Congress...Parties seek wins on budget, health care, 
energy and Iraq (The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.com/news/960183.asp?0dm=N23FN

WashPost: Toll of U.S. wounded rises fast...U.S. battlefield casualties in Iraq are 
increasing dramatically in the face of continued attacks by remnants of Saddam 
Hussein's military and other forces, with almost 10 American troops a day now being 
officially declared "wounded in action."

Both came to this tidy suburb to address the same holiday picnic crowd, but the uneasy 
peace between Gov. Gray Davis and Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante was evident: The two 
Democrats scrupulously avoided each other, and neither mentioned the other by name. 

For years, Arnold Schwarzenegger's movies have created more buzz in Hollywood than 
almost anybody else's, yet there has been a resounding silence as this industry town 
considers whether one of its biggest box office stars can also produce a hit at next 
month's ballot box office. (AP) 

Gov. Gray Davis and Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante stumped at union rallies across the state 
Monday, portraying Arnold Schwarzenegger as the political stepchild of Pete Wilson, 
the former governor whose policies infuriated organized labor. (SF Chronicle) 

Arnold Schwarzenegger may be dead set on running for California state governor, but 
fellow action hero Sylvester Stallone has a few words of wisdom for him. (AP) 

U.S. Rep. Bill Janklow will make his first appearance today in a Moody County 
courtroom to answer charges filed against him in connection with the Aug. 16 death of 
Randy E. Scott. (Argus Leader) http://www.argusleader.com/news/Tuesdayarticle1.shtml

Rep. Richard Gephardt will start airing television campaign ads today in two key 
primary states, trying to boost his presidential bid as the Democratic contest gains 
steam. (St. Louis Post-Dispatch) 


The Commandments and immorality...The row over the boulder-sized version of the 
so-called "Ten Commandments," and as to whether they should be exhibited in such 
massive shape on public property, misses the opportunity to consider these top-10 
divine ordinances and their relationship to or

Wolfowitz: Support Our Troops...Iraq isn't part of the war on terror? Try telling the 
soldiers that. http://www.opinionjournal.com/editorial/feature.html

John Fund's Political Diary...Why Hillary opposes Howard Dean. 

Schlep to Judgment...If anything merited an independent inquiry, it was the attacks on 
9/11. But not in Bush's Washington. 

Pat: Death of Manufacturing...The rise of free trade has eroded America's industrial 
base and with it our sovereignty. http://www.amconmag.com/08_11_03/cover.html

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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