the definition in the book is a syntactic one, you are not allowed to beta-reduce when applying the definition.
In  particular

E = E1 E2 = (\x.xy)(\z.z)
The definition speaks about the term
(\x.xy)(\z.z) and not about (\z.z)y

and the definition does not speak about occurences of variables, it implicitely 
the _set_ of bound variables and the _set_ of free variables of term.

Both sets needn't be disjoint, for example
In (\x.x) x
x is a free as well as a bound variable.


Am 30.12.2010 04:50, schrieb Mark Spezzano:
Hi all,

Thanks for your comments

Maybe I should clarify...

For example,

5.2 FREE:
If E1 = \y.xy then x is free
If E2 = \z.z then x is not even mentioned

So E = E1 E2 = x (\z.z) and x is free as expected
So E = E2 E1 = \y.xy and x is free as expected

5.3 BOUND:
If E1 = \x.xy then x is bound
If E2 = \z.z then is not even mentioned

So E = E1 E2 = (\x.xy)(\z.z) = (\z.z)y -- Error: x is not bound but should be 
by the rule of 5.3
So E = E2 E1 = (\z.z)(\x.xy) = (\x.xy) then x is bound.

Where's my mistake in the second-to-last example? Shouldn't x be bound 



On 30/12/2010, at 1:52 PM, Mark Spezzano wrote:

Duh, Sorry. Yes, there was a typo

the second one should read

If E is a combination E1 E2 then X is bound in E if and only if X is bound in 
E1 or is bound in E2.

Apologies for that oversight!


On 30/12/2010, at 1:21 PM, Antoine Latter wrote:

Was there a typo in your email? Because those two definitions appear
identical. I could be missing something - I haven't read that book.


On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 9:05 PM, Mark Spezzano
<mark.spezz...@chariot.net.au>  wrote:

Presently I am going through AJT Davie's text "An Introduction to Functional 
Programming Systems Using Haskell".

On page 84, regarding formal definitions of FREE and BOUND variables he gives 
Defn 5.2 as

The variable X is free in the expression E in the following cases


b) If E is a combination E1 E2 then X is free in E if and only if X is free in 
E1 or X is free in E2


Then in Defn 5.3 he states

The variable X is bound in the expression E in the following cases


b) If E is a combination E1 E2 then X is free in E if and only if X is free in 
E1 or X is free in E2.


Now, are these definitions correct? They seem to contradict each other....and 
they don't make much sense on their own either (try every combination of E1 and 
E2 for bound and free and you'll see what I mean). If it is correct then please 
give some examples of E1 and E2 showing exactly why. Personally I think that 
there's an error in the book.

You can see the full text on Google Books (page 84)

Thanks for reading!

Mark Spezzano

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