Ralf wrote:

    100000 |         < |        <= |         > |        >= |        == |      1 2* |   
1..100* |      2 1* |   100..1* |  1 2 2 1* |    random 
     merge |      3.15 |      9.16 |      2.83 |      8.96 |      3.18 |      6.65 |   
   9.60 |      6.64 |      9.46 |      6.58 |        oo 
 bottom-up |      2.18 |      7.73 |      1.99 |      7.60 |      2.17 |      4.74 |   
  13.01 |      4.63 |     12.51 |      4.59 |        oo 
      heap |        oo |        oo |        oo |        oo |     17.90 |        oo |   
     oo |        oo |        oo |        oo |        oo 
   pairing |      1.20 |      2.53 |      1.58 |      3.93 |      1.28 |      2.25 |   
   3.93 |      2.24 |      4.07 |      2.23 |      9.87 
     Jon's |      0.95 |      2.73 |      0.93 |      2.90 |      2.18 |      3.00 |   
   3.54 |      3.06 |      3.51 |      2.78 |      8.63 
     braun |     21.87 |        oo |     21.77 |        oo |      7.66 |     14.67 |   
  20.93 |     14.93 |     21.00 |     14.65 |     23.01 
    smooth |      0.22 |      0.41 |      0.17 |      6.77 |      0.20 |      4.49 |   
   3.25 |      4.43 |      3.21 |      4.40 |        oo 
        oo = heap or stack overflow

        1. |    smooth |    smooth |    smooth |     Jon's |    smooth |   pairing |   
 smooth |   pairing |    smooth |   pairing |     Jon's 
        2. |     Jon's |   pairing |     Jon's |   pairing |   pairing |     Jon's |   
  Jon's |     Jon's |     Jon's |     Jon's |   pairing 
        3. |   pairing |     Jon's |   pairing |    smooth | bottom-up |    smooth |   
pairing |    smooth |   pairing |    smooth |     braun 
        4. | bottom-up | bottom-up | bottom-up | bottom-up |     Jon's | bottom-up |   
  merge | bottom-up |     merge | bottom-up |      
        5. |     merge |     merge |     merge |     merge |     merge |     merge | 
bottom-up |     merge | bottom-up |     merge |  
        6. |     braun |           |     braun |           |     braun |     braun |   
  braun |     braun |     braun |     braun |       
        7. |           |           |           |           |      heap |     braun |   
        |           |           |           |  

Well, I'm a sucker for a benchmark so I ran all of these with hbc.
I also added the smooth merge sort that comes with hbc.

Here is my table (for 100000 elements)

            <      <=       >      >=      ==    1 2* 1..100*    2 1* 100..1* 1 2 2 1* 
merge   2.050   5.124   2.108   5.336   2.059   2.817   3.043   2.801   3.026   2.792  
bumerge 1.155   3.025   1.187   3.121   1.226   2.019   2.185   1.983   2.175   1.932  
heap    5.939  14.252   5.949  14.301   4.140   4.678   5.557   4.694   5.627   4.629  
pair    0.533   1.582   0.938   2.431   0.570   1.178   2.269   1.174   2.392   1.224  
jon     0.839   1.926   0.856   2.055   1.841   2.667   3.185   2.685   3.172   2.463  
braun   7.850  18.270   8.014  18.574   4.556   6.606   7.685   6.658   7.648   6.606  
smooth  0.183   0.425   0.165   3.454   0.180   2.071   1.431   1.969   1.403   1.942  
hbc     0.124   0.321   1.346   2.592   0.136   1.839   1.367   2.026   2.331   1.856  

1       hbc     hbc     smooth  jon     hbc     pair    hbc     pair    smooth  pair   
2       smooth  smooth  jon     pair    smooth  hbc     smooth  bumerge bumerge hbc    
3       pair    pair    pair    hbc     pair    smooth  pair    smooth  hbc     
bumerge smooth

As you can see there is no clear winner, but I see no real reason
to change the sort that comes with hbc to something else at this

All my tests were on a PC with a 200MHz Pentium Pro.

        -- Lennart

> sortHbc :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
> sortHbc [] = []
> sortHbc (x:xs) = msort (upSeq xs [x])
> upSeq [] xs = [reverse xs]
> upSeq (y:ys) xxs@(x:xs) =
>       if x <= y then
>           upSeq ys (y:xxs)
>       else
>           reverse xxs : upSeq ys [y]
> msort [xs] = xs
> msort xss = msort (mergePairs xss)
> mergePairs (xs:ys:xss) = merge xs ys : mergePairs xss
> mergePairs xss = xss
> merge xxs@(x:xs) yys@(y:ys) =
>       if x <= y then
>           x:merge xs yys
>       else
>           y:merge xxs ys
> merge []         yys = yys
> merge xxs        []  = xxs

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