Hi all,

Heketi version 5 has just been released.

Here is the high-level changelog since version 4:

- Set Gluster Volume options based on user input.
- Allow disperse volumes to be 2+1.
- Use glide instead of godeps for build dependencies.
- Increase test coverage.
- Compress database when storing in a K8S Secret.
- Introduce switch `backup_db_to_kube_secret`, defaulting to false.
- Add functionality to remove a device.
- Add functionality to remove a node.
- Environmental variable support for config of sshexec.

Downloads of source code and binaries:


Docker image:

docker pull heketi/heketi


docker pull heketi/heketi:5
docker pull heketi/heketi:latest

- Michael (for the heketi team)

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