Since we're only just wrapping up the 0.6 release now, it's probably a bit too 
early to tell.  Note that the index feature is still under development, so the 
support in 0.7 may still not be ready for most end users.


On Sep 23, 2010, at 3:19 PM, Tali K wrote:

Do you have any idea when we can expect Hive 0.7 to be released?


Subject: Re: Create index error:FAILED: Parse Error: line 1:0 cannot recognize 
input 'create' in ddl statement
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 21:27:14 +0000

I've updated the index design doc to add this statement at the top:

No index support will be available until Hive 0.7.

If you really want to try it, you need to be building and running trunk.


On Sep 23, 2010, at 2:15 PM, Tali K wrote:

Hi All,

I've sent this e-mail yesterday, can , please, sombody help me!!!

I am running hive ....version 0.5.0 (hive-default.xml:  

When I tried to create index I've got the following message:

FAILED: Parse Error: line 1:0 cannot recognize input 'create' in ddl statement

Here is how I've tried to create an index:

 create index qid_index on table bit_score_less_55(query_id) as 

Here is my table

describe bit_score_less_55 ;

query_id        string
subject_id      string
percent_ident   double
align_len       int
mismatches      int
gap_openings    int
query_start     int
query_end       int
subject_start   int
subject_end     int
e_value double
bit_score       double
filename        string

Any suggestions?

Thanks for help in advance,


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