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Maaf ana hanya bertanya, jika dilihat dari senarai
pembentang kertas kerja ni kebanyakannya non-muslim
(dari nama mereka). Soalannya wajarkah org2 begini
membincangkan ttg hal2 Islam dan adakah pandangan2 mrk
boleh diambil kira sebagai seorang muslim?


--- Osman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From:    Mateen Siddiqui [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent:    Tue, 11 Apr 2000 16:06:14 -0400
> Subject: Harvard conference on "The Madhhab"
> MSA-EC - http://sunnah.org
> The III International Conference on Islamic Legal
> Studies
> The Madhhab
> On May 4-6, 2000 the Islamic Legal Studies Program
> at Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA, will host and
> sponsor an international conference on the madhhab,
> the Islamic school of law, with discussions on such
> innovative topics as madhhab-formation,
> inter-madhhab polemics, anti-madhhab tendencies,
> contemporary developments, the madhhab and the
> state, etc. All sessions will be held at Austin Hall
> on the Law School campus.
> Please consult the conference program below, and for
> more information, including a registration form,
> please access our website
> <www.law.harvard.edu/Programs/ILSP> or contact Peri
> Bearman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
> Thursday, May 4
> 8:30 - 9:00    Registration
> 9:00 - 9:15    Welcome, by Frank Vogel, Director
> Islamic Legal Studies Program, Harvard Law School
> 9:15 - 10:30   Madhhab Formation
>              Steven Judd, Al-Awza`i and Sufyan al-Thawri:
> The Umayyad
>                Madhhab?
>              Christopher Melchert, From Regional Schools
> to Personal: Another
>                Look
>              Miklos Muranyi, The Formative Period of
> Legal Thought in 
>                Medina in the 2nd century H.
> According to Newly Discovered 
>                Sources
> 10:30 - 11:00  Coffee
> 11:00 - 12:45  Sumaiya Hamdani, The Path Not Taken?:
> Isma`ili Shi`ism and the 
>                Sectarian Madhhab
>              Devin Stewart, The Formation of the Twelver
> Shi`i Madhhab 
>              Camilla Adang, The Zahiris of al-Andalus
>              Ersilia Francesca, Formation and Development
> of the Ibadi Madhhab
> 12:45 - 2:00   Lunch
> 2:00 - 3:45    Changes and Developments during the
> Classical Period
>              Bernard Weiss, Madhhab Affiliation as a
> Question (Mas'ala) in 
>                Muslim Legal Theory
>              Robert Gleave, Madhhab Ikhtilaf in Classical
> Shi`i Legal Theory
>              Daphna Ephrat, Madrasa and Madhhab in
> Fifth/Eleventh-Century 
>                Baghdad
>              Yossef Rapoport, The Establishment of the
> Four Chief Judges and 
>                Judicial Administration under the
> Mamluks
> 3:45 - 4:15    Tea
> 4:15 - 6:15    Self-Perception and Inter-Madhhab
> Polemics
>              Eric Chaumont, What Makes the Shafi`i
> Madhhab Shafi`i (and the 
>                Best of the Madhhabs!) According to
> al-Juwayni's "Mughith al-
>                Khalq fi bayan al-ahaqq"?
>              Brannon Wheeler, Fiqh on the Margins: Hanafi
> Madhhab Identity in 
>                the Marginalia of Unpublished
> Commentaries on the Mukhtasar of 
>                al-Quduri
>              Aron Zysow, The Problem of Jurisprudential
> Unity in Zaydism 
>                Himmet Taskomur, Choosing a Madhhab:
> Madhhabology and Truth 
>                Claims of the Sunni Schools of Law
> Friday, May 5
> 9:00 - 10:30   Shifting Boundaries
>              Monique Bernards, Geographic Mobility within
> the Four Sunni 
>                Madhahib up to the Fourth Islamic
> Century
>              Alfonso Carmona, The Introduction of Malik's
> Teachings into al-
>                Andalus
>              Gideon Libson, The Muslim Legal Schools as
> Reflected in the 
>                Halakhic Literature of the Geonim and
> in Maimonides' Writings
> 10:30 - 11:00  Coffee
> 11:00 - 12:30  Sukru Ozen, Politics of
> Intra-Religious Conversion in Islam
>              Daniella Talmon-Heller, Fidelity, Cohesion
> and Conformity within 
>                Madhahib in Zengid and Ayyubid Syria
>              John Willis, Tariqa and Madhhab: A
> Revisionist Perspective
> 12:15 - 2:00   Lunch
> 2:00 - 3:30    Madhhab and the State
>              Leon Buskens, Malikism as a Nationalist
> Ideology in Morocco
>              Maribel Fierro, Madhhab and Sulta: Malikism
> and Political 
>                Legitimacy in al-Andalus
>              Rudolph Peters, What Does it Mean to be an
> Official Madhhab? The 
>                Hanafis and the Ottoman State
> 3:30 - 4:00    Tea
> 4:00 - 6:00    Bernard Haykel, The Sunnization of
> the Zaydi Madhhab
>              Muhammad Khalid Masud, Official Recognition
> of the Hanafi School 
>                of Law in the Indian Sub-Continent
>              Mark Cammack, Islam and Nationalism in
> Indonesia: Forging an 
>                Indonesian Madhhab
> Saturday, May 6
> 10:00 - 12:30  Transcending the Madhhab
>              Albrecht Hofheinz, Transcending the Madhhab
> - In Practice 
>              Martin Riexinger, The Ahl-i Hadith in
> British India as an Anti-
>                Madhhab
>                Madhhab and Their Historical Critique
> of the Emergence of 
>                Madhahib
>              Engku Rabiah Adawiah, Relaxing the
> Boundaries of Madhhab: The 
>                Malaysian Experience
>              Knut Vikor, To Follow a Madhhab is Shirk:
> Anti-Madhhabism in a 
>                Nineteenth-Century Tradition
> 12:30 - 2:00   Lunch
> 2:00 - 4:15    Contemporary Developments
>              Aharon Layish, The Eclectic Expedient as a
> Means for the 
>                Reinstatement of Islamic Law in the
> Sudan under Numayri, 1983-85
>              Birgit Krawietz, Cut and Paste: Producing
> Regulations Via Talfiq
>              Leonid Sykiainen, Codification of the
> Islamic Legal Doctrine 
>                (Fiqh) and the Role of its Schools
> for the Development of Modern 
>                Islamic Legislation
>              Brinkley Messick, Madhhabs and Modernity
>              Ihsan Yilmaz, Muslim Identity in the 21st
> Century and the Muslim 
=== message truncated ===

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