This message is addressed to any Valve employees that are monitoring this mailing list.

The Valve Developer Community wiki's main page is being edited by using WikiMedia's localization feature to change the default English translation:

This has been a topic of discussion several times now here:

It seems that all locked pages can be edited this way, including pages like Terms Of Use.

This opens up the possibility of these pages being modified to include links to spam or malicious sites, like sites that are visually similar and ask users to log in again in order to steal login info.

It is not clear whether these pages are supposed to be editable by regular users or not, but in any case they are being used to inject additional links on the Main Page.

The page is currently being edited back and forth to add and remove the added links. Prior to this a direct request to Valve to assist with some changes was also present.

It seems that the users responsible are under the impression that the wiki has been abandoned since the MediaWiki software used is outdated (version 1.31, went out of support 2 years ago, latest release is 1.39) and due to a lack of activity from Valve employees.

Valve has always been relatively hands-off when it comes to the wiki but this is evidently not clear to newer users.

I would recommend clarifying a few things about wiki editing:

* Limitations of translating official pages (direct translations only, prevent insertion of additional content, especially links)

* Clarify whether the Main Page should be editable in any manner (subpages for that page should be locked if not)

* Clarify whether links to unofficial wikis are permitted (currently present in several official pages)

I'd also recommend updating WikiMedia if possible and necessary and checking links to other Valve websites that may be out of date:

* "SDK Help Forums" in the sidebar points to the old Steampowered forums and now redirects to the main Steam Community

* Terms Of Use points to an old help article which redirects correctly, but may one day stop doing so

Updating the VDCBot to scan for these links and auto-detect broken links and redirects may help here.

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