On Aug 11, 2017, at 9:09 AM, Toke Høiland-Jørgensen <t...@toke.dk> wrote:
> Because I'm not convinced the added implementation complexity is worth
> it; so yeah, the last one I guess...

This is a refrain I've heard from you, Juliusz and Markus, which I actually 
find a bit disturbing: the desire not to really solve the problem because it's 
not trivially easy.   That's not the charter of this working group.   The 
reason we chartered this working group was _explicitly_ to study the problem 
carefully, to see what we needed to do to solve it well, to describe what that 
was, and to do it.

My experience both in doing math when I was a math student, and in doing 
computer science now that I'm a computer geek, is that often times a shortcut 
solution to a real problem winds up being harder than a good solution in the 
long run.   Sure, you saved a little time with that shortcut, but the long term 
result was that you didn't actually solve the problem, and now you have a brick 
that you have to fix in-place, instead of a green field where you can do what 
needs to be done without continuing to support the old solution.

Think about the routing problem.   We need source-specific routes.  We're 
extending babel to add them. Why is that? Couldn't we have just relied on happy 
eyeballs to eliminate the bad routes?

As for the MPvD problem, you say that you'd like to avoid the complexity, but 
have you actually explored what the complexity looks like?   Have you asked the 
Android folks and the Apple folks why they are interested in (and in some 
cases, already have) put support for this into their devices?

I've attached a picture of the router I'm using for my development work on this 
(the second, really tiny board is the serial console interface I'm using to 
debug).   It's got 8G of flash, 2G of RAM, a 1.2G 4-core arm64 CPU, gigabit 
ethernet and a fast I/O bus for both wired and wireless network interfaces.   
It cost me US$24.99.   This is more than capable of supporting the complexity 
we are talking about, which I don't think is really that much complexity anyway.

Are you targeting a cheaper, less capable device than this?   If so, can you 
talk about why you think that's important for Homenet?
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