Hello everyone,

First post here, hope I'm doing it right ;)

I've been having problems with sending multipart posts containing files named using UTF-8 characters - all non-ASCII characters are turned into question marks. I've tried to specify the charset when creating the FilePart like this

FilePart fp = new FilePart(name, file, null, "UTF-8");

as well as setting the charset later on like this


with no result. So I took a deeper look at the HttpClient code (thank god for open source!) and found that the loss of special characters happens in the FilePart.sendDispositionHeader method, at line


where the filename is forced to fit into the US-ASCII charset.

My workaround for this problem is to substitute the above line with a charset-aware version:

out.write(EncodingUtil.getBytes(filename, getCharSet()));

but I'm not sure if it's the correct way to do it.

What I'm quite sure of at this point is that it works for UTF-8 and results are consistent with what I get out of IE6 when posting the same file using a form like this:

<form action="http://localhost:1235"; method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" accept-charset="UTF-8">
<input type="file" name="file"></input>
<input type="submit"></input>

It's also parsed correctly by FileUpload 1.1.

I've had a look at the HTTPClient 3.1-alpha1 source and the problematic line in FilePart looks the same - which means that either my fix is a heresy and/or there is a better way of doing this - or that this bug has not been reported before (I failed to find anything on this in the archive).

Please let me know if this is the right way of fixing this problem and if so, will this fix make it into HTTPClient 3.1

Thanks and best regards!

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