Aaron Shettleroe wrote:
It appears that HttpClient is sending the same request more than once.

Unlikely, unless the RetryHandler is configured to do so.

I tried to code against this.

Here is some code snippets:

private static HttpClient httpClient;

final HttpConnectionManagerParams params =
            new HttpConnectionManagerParams();
// set some params: timeouts, max conns

final MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager connectionManager = new MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager();
httpClient = new HttpClient(connectionManager);


// I define a RetryHandler


// My retry logic.  Only retry if a connection exception:
// Don't retry if the maximum retry count has been reached
if(executionCount >= MAX_RETRY_COUNT)
   return false;
else if(!method.isRequestSent()
          && (exception instanceof ConnectException
              || exception instanceof ConnectTimeoutException))
   return true;

return false;

However, the request is being sent more than once.

Please post a context/wire log of the session.


Would the stale checking be the cause of this?  Does the stale checking
actually send the request?

No, it does not


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