On Fri, 2015-12-04 at 18:15 +0000, Nitu Choudhary wrote:
> Hi,
> We are using the apache nio http client library, and are running into issues 
> where the ioreactor is active, but one of the dispatcher is shutdown. When 
> the dispatcher was shutdown, no exception was thrown (in some cases 
> OutOfMemory was thrown), and so the exception value is not set.
> Here is the code snippet (Worker in AbstractMultiworkerIOReactor.java):       
>  @Override        public void run() {            try {                
> this.dispatcher.execute(this.eventDispatch);            } catch (final 
> Exception ex) {                this.exception = ex;            }         }
> Now in this case if a throwable is thrown or if the dispatcher exits in some 
> other fashion, the exception bit is not set. Due to this the dispatcher is 
> considered healthy, and we continue to send requests to the dispatcher which 
> it cannot service, and keeps around in the memory, thus causing memory leak. 
> There is no code to prevent the dispatcher from accepting request if it is in 
> shutdown mode. 
> Can you please let me know if this is a known issue? We would like to see if 
> we can get a patch to help fix the issue, we can help provide the patch if 
> required.
> regards,nitu 

Please raise a JIRA for this issue. You are very welcome to propose a
fix by contributing a patch or opening a PR at GitHub.


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