On Thu, 2015-12-17 at 18:20 +0100, Thomas Boniface wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to save as much resource as possible while sending JSON
> requests using an http async client.
> I tried to implement my own HttpEntity hoping I could force jackson
> serialization directly in the ouputsteam :
>     @Override
>     public void writeTo(OutputStream outstream) throws IOException {
>         objectMapper.writeValue(outstream, bidRequest);
>     }
> Unfortunetly the client seems to pull the content to send from the
> getContent method of the http entity. Using this method would force me to
> first serialize my JSON objects into a byte array an create an inputsteam
> from it. This may be better than serializing to a String and use and
> StringEntity but it feels like there is still room for optimization.
> I saw a ZeroCopyPost but dedicated to files, is there a built in feature to
> achive what I'm looking for (Zero copy post for in memory object) ?
> Thanks in advance
> Thomas


The term zero-copy applies only to socket to file or file to socket data

If you want to write out any arbitrary request content you should
implement a custom HttpAsyncContentProducer if none of the standard ones
suit your needs. With content-length delineated connections one can
effectively stream data directly to the underlying TCP channel.  

Hope this helps


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