Hi all,

Just wanted to post a quick update. I have changed it as below and it works:

NByteArrayEntity nbe = new NByteArrayEntity(data.toString().getBytes("UTF-8")); 


post.addHeader(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION,"Basic "+authStr); 


I stopped using MultipartEntityBuilder. It doesn't really give NIO support I 
think because it needs to be wrapped in a BufferedHttpEntity (this makes a copy 
of the content in memory). I am not sure if the above reasoning is correct or 
complete. Perhaps some one can clarify.

Thanks again!

---- On Tue, 12 Jan 2016 04:49:28 -0800 Karthik R 
<rabbitco...@zoho.com>wrote ---- 


We want to use the HttpAsyncClient and NIO so that we can handle more requests 
with fewer threads. 

I am tasked with migrating from HttpComponents 3.1 to 4.5. The new API is very 
different from the earlier one and I need some help with the same. 

ByteArrayPartSource horA = new ByteArrayPartSource("data", 

FilePart p1 = new FilePart("data", horA); 

StringPart encodingPart = new StringPart("encoded", "" + _encode); 

StringPart contentPart = new StringPart("content-type", "text/xml"); 

Part[] partes = { p1, encodingPart, contentPart }; 

post.setRequestEntity(new MultipartRequestEntity(partes, post.getParams())); 

I rewrote the whole thing above as: 

HttpEntity postEntity = MultipartEntityBuilder.create() 

.addTextBody("content-type", contentType) 

.addTextBody("encoded", ""+true) 

.addBinaryBody("data", data.toString().getBytes("UTF-8")) 



This results in UnsupportedOperationException:Multipart form entity does not 
implement #getContent() 

I read similar posts on this list but didn't understand what I should do. I 
don't want to write copy content into memory/buffer. What is the right way to 
write this using 4.5 and HttpAsyncClient? Any pointers will be really 


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