I’m using HttpClient 4.3.6 on Java 1.7.0_95. I’m finding that in certain 
circumstances, HttpClient is adding a spurious blank line to the headers. This 
is then causing the far end server to treat the remaining headers as the body - 
not what is desired!

If I run the code as a stand alone Java app, it works a treat. But sometimes, 
when run under Tomcat, I get this spurious blank line.

I’ve switched on full wire tracing and I’m seeing:

2016-03-17 16:59:39,991 [TP-Processor3] DEBUG http.wire gr306 - http-outgoing-1 
>> "POST /signin HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]"
2016-03-17 16:59:39,991 [TP-Processor3] DEBUG http.wire gr306 - http-outgoing-1 
>> "X-CREDENTIALS: *SNIP*[\r][\n]"
2016-03-17 16:59:39,991 [TP-Processor3] DEBUG http.wire gr306 - http-outgoing-1 
>> "[\r][\n]"
2016-03-17 16:59:39,991 [TP-Processor3] DEBUG http.wire gr306 - http-outgoing-1 
>> "Accept: application/xml[\r][\n]"
2016-03-17 16:59:39,991 [TP-Processor3] DEBUG http.wire gr306 - http-outgoing-1 
>> "Content-Type: application/xml[\r][\n]"
2016-03-17 16:59:39,991 [TP-Processor3] DEBUG http.wire gr306 - http-outgoing-1 
>> "Content-Length: 0[\r][\n]"
2016-03-17 16:59:39,991 [TP-Processor3] DEBUG http.wire gr306 - http-outgoing-1 
>> "Host: www.example.com:443[\r][\n]"
2016-03-17 16:59:39,991 [TP-Processor3] DEBUG http.wire gr306 - http-outgoing-1 
>> "Connection: Keep-Alive[\r][\n]"
2016-03-17 16:59:39,991 [TP-Processor3] DEBUG http.wire gr306 - http-outgoing-1 
>> "User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.3.6 (java 1.5)[\r][\n]"
2016-03-17 16:59:39,991 [TP-Processor3] DEBUG http.wire gr306 - http-outgoing-1 
>> "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate[\r][\n]"
2016-03-17 16:59:39,991 [TP-Processor3] DEBUG http.wire gr306 - http-outgoing-1 
>> "[\r][\n]"

I’ve added code to check the headers that I’m adding to the HTTPPost instance, 
and I’m not adding any blank or spurious headers.

          httpPost = new HttpPost(path);
          for(String header: headers.keySet())
                  logger.trace("Adding Header to Request: " + header);
                  httpPost.addHeader(header, headers.get(header));


2016-03-17 16:59:39,986 [TP-Processor3] TRACE util.BasicHttpClient gr306 - 
Adding Header to Request: X-CREDENTIALS
2016-03-17 16:59:39,986 [TP-Processor3] TRACE util.BasicHttpClient gr306 - 
Adding Header to Request: Accept
2016-03-17 16:59:39,986 [TP-Processor3] TRACE util.BasicHttpClient gr306 - 
Adding Header to Request: Content-Type

As I said, when this same library code is run as a standalone Java app, the 
blank header line disappears.

Any suggestions as to how I can track this down?

Thank you.

Gordon Ross,
UIS Telecoms Office,
University of Cambridge

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