I have been working with Proxies as well.  I am no expert, but I think your 
AuthScope is insufficient.  

I have a different situation that you do.  I override CredentialsProvider, 
which I don't think you need to do, but it does reveal some things when you do 
it that way.

When an AuthScope comes into getCredentials(AuthScope a); it has a "scheme" 
associated with it.  That scheme is matched against other schemes, such as 
AuthSchemes.DIGEST.  You may be able to just change your code to create your 
AuthScope creation to something like:

new AuthScope(new HttpHost("", 3128), AuthScope.ANY_REALM, 

If not, you can create your own CredentialsProvider.  In the getCredentials() 
method, you can verify that it is using a DIGEST scheme and just return the 
credentials directly, or potentially put them in a private instance of 
BasicCredentialsProvider, using the passed in AuthScope as the parameter to 

        public Credentials getCredentials(AuthScope authscope) {
                Credentials rval = delegate.getCredentials(authscope);
                if (rval == null && 
AuthSchemes.DIGEST.equalsIgnoreCase(scheme)) }

Hope this helps,

The opinions provided herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of 
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-----Original Message-----
From: Mop Sophia [mailto:mopsop...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 12:19 PM
To: httpclient-users@hc.apache.org
Subject: Proxy with digest authentication


I try to do a request using a proxy with digest authentication but the 
authentication fails, here is the code :

// Proxy credentials
CredentialsProvider credsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider(); 
credsProvider.setCredentials(new AuthScope("", 3128),
        new UsernamePasswordCredentials("proxy_user", "proxy_pass")); HttpHost 
proxy = new HttpHost("", 3128);

CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.custom()

HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet("https://myhost.com:8443";);

HttpClientContext context = HttpClientContext.create();

CloseableHttpResponse resp = httpclient.execute(httpget, context);

Log.d("TST", String.valueOf(resp.getStatusLine()));
Log.d("TST", EntityUtils.toString(resp.getEntity()));

AuthState proxyAuthState = context.getProxyAuthState(); Log.d("TST", "Proxy 
auth state: " + proxyAuthState.getState()); Log.d("TST", "Proxy auth scheme: " 
+ proxyAuthState.getAuthScheme()); Log.d("TST", "Proxy auth credentials: " + 
proxyAuthState.getCredentials()); AuthState targetAuthState = 
context.getTargetAuthState(); Log.d("TST", "Target auth state: " + 
targetAuthState.getState()); Log.d("TST", "Target auth scheme: " + 
targetAuthState.getAuthScheme()); Log.d("TST", "Target auth credentials: " + 

Any idea, please ?



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