On Fri, 2016-07-01 at 00:04 -0400, Donald Ball wrote:
> Hi folks. I'm using the caching http client to nice effect, thanks for the
> good work.
> Since parsing json and other structured response bodies is not actually the
> fastest process in the world, I thought it would be a useful optimization
> to build a parsed body cache atop the http caching client. I've written one
> and it does work fine, but there is an annoying wrinkle: I don't know
> whether or not a given response is cacheable except by observing from the
> context's cache response if the response was in some way served from the
> cache. This results in having to perform two parses on a given body before
> it can be served from the parsed body cache. It's not the end of the world,
> but it's not optimal.
> Is there some way that I have overlooked by which I can tell if a given
> response is cacheable?
> I appreciate any thoughts. Thanks.

Have you looked at ResponseCachingPolicy? 


Its #isResponseCacheable method is likely what you want.


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