On Fri, 2016-08-12 at 13:02 +0900, Koji Kawamura wrote:
> Hello httpclient community,
> I'm having an issue with HTTPS and HttpAsyncRequestProducer
> combination, so I would like to ask for some help.
> I've been using httpclient HttpAsyncRequestProducer to make a
> non-blocking HTTP POST request.
> My use case consists of two threads, one is pushing data to a channel,
> and the other is reading streaming data from that channel, then
> producing a POST chunked content.
> It's been working wonderfully with HTTP, but when I tested with HTTPS,
> noticed it only sends first few KB of data, even if I'm using the same
> client code.
> If the whole data size is less that about 8KB, it works, but bigger
> than that, further data is not sent.
> Debugging around AbstractContentEncoder and SSLIOSession, but I
> couldn't find the exact cause of this behavior yet. But found that
> Line Buffer Size is being 8192, it seems this is the threshold of the
> behavior.
> Wondering if calling ContentEncoder.write(ByteBuffer) multiple times
> causes this issue. It look like once about 8KB data is sent, further
> write() doesn't write anything, returning 0 even if the buffer has
> remaining data.


This is how non-blocking I/O works. If the underlying I/O session is
unable to accept any more input the write operation returns immediately
with zero bytes written instead of blocking the thread. Once the I/O
session can accept more input it will trigger #produceContent event
again and the producer can produce more data. Please take a look at data
producers shipped with the library as reference.

Hope this helps


> To illustrate this issue, I wrote a simple test case which POST data
> via HTTP and HTTPS. The issue is reproducible.
> https://gist.github.com/ijokarumawak/6027ca64eb28fd143acd173d799ffd48
> Has anyone encountered similar issue? I searched web and JIRA but
> couldn't find similar issue..
> Any advice or insight would be appreciated,
> Thanks!
> Koji
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