Hi all,

I'm having some issues after I updated to the latest versions of hc-core(5.2) 
and hc-client (5.2).

It all started with a NPE that I started receiving in the automation tests that 
we have. The NPE appeared when I try to parse the response using the 
DefaultHttpResponseParser. I saw that actually the parse method is now 
returning null if the stream is empty instead of throwing an exception as it 
was in previous versions. Since for my needs I need to keep the old behavior, I 
just implemented some logic to throw the old exception in this case. So 
something like this:

        final ClassicHttpResponse response = responseParser.parse(inbuffer, is);

        if (response == null)
            throw new NoHttpResponseException("The target server failed to 

But after this, I started getting issues with one of the tests. I started 
getting this exception, but not on each run, it happens sporadically (in like 
60-70% of the time).
Since I'm using keep alive (connection re-usage), my first guess was that some 
broken connection is getting used. And in fact in the logs I can see that a 
connection to the same route is being reused multiple times until we get this 

I checked that such issues could be solved by setting 
.setValidityAfterInactivity() to the connection manager, but the thing is that 
I've already set it to 5 seconds. Anyway,  I saw that this method is deprecated 
and that is why I changed it and now set it to the DefaultConnectionConfig. 
This also doesn't help. Here you can see what is the current configuration of 
the ConnectionManager:

        conMan = new 
create().register("http", new CustomStrictSocketFactory()).register("https", 
new CustomStrictSSLSocketFactory()).build(),
                         new CustomHTTPConnectionFactory(),
.setValidateAfterInactivity(TimeValue.of(5000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
.setConnectTimeout(Timeout.of(getConnectionTimeout(), TimeUnit.SECONDS))

There are no changes in the failing test case for years. There are no changes 
in all backend logic involved in it, at least for the last few weeks. The only 
change was the update of the runtime to hc-core 5.2 and hc-client 5.2

By the way, I tried to update to hc-client 5.2.1, but the issue is still there.

My question is - is there some new configuration that is needed in case to be 
sure that no stale connections will be used? Is there any significant change in 
the way the connections are getting validated?
Does anyone else experience such issues?  In general any ideas and information 
will be helpful!

Best Regards,

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