
We are using Apache HttpClient 5.2.1 to connect to potentially different
servers, and for each of them, we can have a mix of "classic" HTTP requests
and long connections to receive Server-Sent Events. In some cases, we have
to cancel those long requests and reopen them later.

Today we use a single client instance for all requests, that is configured like
SSE connections are opened here
and canceled here

We recently noticed that after canceling SSE connections, we were still
receiving events from the server. We made some assumptions:

* canceling the Future returned by CloseableAsyncHttpClient.execute() does
not close the connection, so we keep receiving events
* This might be caused by the connection manager, who retains the connection

Are our assumptions right? Can we configure the connection manager to close
and not reuse those connections used for SSE? Or would we have to use
separate clients?

One thing that we noticed when we investigated is that in rare cases, the
connection would close and wouldn't be reused. In this scenario, we can see
an InterruptedException in the logs, triggered from this line
Is there something we are not doing correctly?

Thanks in advance,

Damien Urruty | Sonar

Developer @ SonarLint


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