
I'm using HttpClient 5.2.1 for my application, specifically the HttpPost object 
to send a POST request and authenticate to an OAuth2.0 server using 
Since grant_type=password requires a plaintext password, sending the POST 
request leaves the password in my application's memory (confirmed using 
profiling tools such as ProcessHacker), which I'm trying to avoid.

I tried using a ByteArrayEntity for the POST request:

HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(myUri);
ByteArrayBuilder builder = new ByteArrayBuilder();
byteArrayBuilder.append("username=" + username + "&");
byteArrayBuilder.append("client_id=" + clientId + "&");
byteArrayBuilder.append("password=" + plaintextPassword);
byte[] byteArray = byteArrayBuilder.toByteArray();
httpPost.setEntity(new ByteArrayEntity(byteArray, 
ContentType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED)); //Set entity using a ByteArrayEntity
closeableHttpClient.execute(httpPost, httpClientResponseHandler); //Execute the 
POST request
Arrays.fill(byteArray, (byte) 0); //Clear the byte array that contains the 

Unfortunately, using a ByteArrayEntity still leaves a plaintext password string 
in my application's memory, even after clearing the byteArray object.
The password remnants seem to be created in the HttpClient code.
Is there a way to clear or empty the request strings used by HttpPost?
Or are there alternative objects in HttpClient that can be used to avoid 
strings like passwords from being retained in memory?

Thank you.

Theodore Tan|
Senior Software Developer
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