On Fri, 23 Feb 2024 21:24:10 GMT, Naoto Sato <na...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> This PR intends to remove the legacy `COMPAT` locale data from the JDK. The 
> `COMPAT` locale data was introduced for applications' migratory purposes 
> transitioning to `CLDR`. It is becoming a technical debt and now is the time 
> to remove it (we've been emitting a warning at JVM startup since JDK21, if 
> the app is using `COMPAT`). A corresponding CSR has also been drafted.

>From a stewardship perspective I think we've done the right steps. To 

- JDK 8 added the option to use CLDR locale data (JEP 127).
- JDK 9 switched to using CLDR locale data by default (JEP 252) with the option 
to run with -Djava.locale.providers=COMPAT and use the legacy/unmaintained 
locale data.
- JDK 21 added a warning when you run with -Djava.locale.providers=COMPAT 
announcing that this provider will be removed in a future release.
- With the proposal here, running with -Djava.locale.providers=COMPAT will 
print a warning to say that the configuration is ignored.

The reduction of 10Mb will be welcomed. There are likely projects that run 
their tests with the COMPAT provider. There may be some application deployments 
too. I've seen a few projects do changes in response to the run-time warning 
introduced in JDK 21 but there are likely projects/applications that will be 
"surprised" when they upgrade to JDK 23+ and tests fail. So I think one will 
need a bit of socialization and a loud release note.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/17991#issuecomment-1962299087

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