From: Robert Payne 
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 2:46 PM
To: Fred Hoffman
Subject: RE: Assembler Control of SYSLOG Messages


Looks like DESC code 11 on the WTO macro would work;


DESC=(descriptor code...) Specifies one or more descriptor codes as
decimal numbers in the range 1-16. Codes 1 to 6, 11 and 12 are mutually
exclusive. If more 
     than one of these codes are specified, the most significant one is
used (see below), the others are ignored. Code 7 can be assigned in
combination with any 
     other code.  When DESC is omitted, a descriptor code of 7 is
assumed. DESC is ignored if specified together with CONNECT (see below).
     Descriptor codes determine, along with other factors, the
presentation and retention attributes of a message. The meaning
associated with each descriptor code 
     is as follows:
     1    System Failure: The message indicates an error that disrupts
system operations. To continue, the operator may have to re-IPL the
system or restart a major 
     2    Immediate Action Required: The message indicates that the
operator must perform an action immediately. Some tasks may be in a wait
state until the action is 
          performed, and system performance is affected.
     3    Eventual Action Required: The message indicates that the
operator must perform an action eventually. No tasks are waiting for
action completion.
     4    System Status: The message indicates the status of a system
task or of a hardware unit.
     5    Immediate Command Response: The message is issued as a
response to a system command.
     6    Job Status: The message indicates the status of a job or job
     7    Task-Related: The message is related to the processing of an
application or system program and is automatically DOMed by the system
when the related job 
          step ends after logging, if applicable.
          This descriptor code is assigned automatically when the
message is issued by a user task on its own behalf.
     8-10 Not used by z/VSE, ignored when specified.
     11   Critical Eventual Action Required: The message indicates that
the operator must perform an action eventually, and no tasks are waiting
for action completion. 
          However, the action is important enough for retaining the
message on the console screen until the action is completed.
     12   Important Information: The message contains important
information that must be displayed at a console, but does not require
any action in response.
     13-16 Reserved.

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Fred Hoffman 
        Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 2:42 PM
        To: Robert Payne
        Subject: FW: Assembler Control of SYSLOG Messages



[] On Behalf Of
        Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 2:10 PM
        Subject: Assembler Control of SYSLOG Messages


                Here's hoping someone can help me out so I don't have to
research how this works.  We have an RPG-II batch program which invokes
an assembler routine both for file SPECIAL I/O and via the EXIT opcode.
When this program has a particular file open in update mode, the
assembler routine puts a message on the console which is both
highlighted and held to prevent it scrolling off the screen.  At the end
of the program the message is unhighlighted and unheld.  The following
is the calling code: 
        ISOPEN   MVI   FSTSW,C'O'                          FILE STATUS
                 MVI   WRTKEY,X'00'                         
                 MVC   WRTKEY+1(63),WRTKEY                 
                 MVI   CNSLTXT,C' '                         
                 MVC   CNSLTXT+1(42),CNSLTXT               
                 MVC   CNSLTXT(20),=C'FILE - XXXXXXX OPEN.' 
                 MVC   CNSLTXT+7(7),FILNM                   
                 LA    XR4,CNSLMSG                         
                 LA    XR5,50                               
                 BAL   XR11,CNSOT                           
                 B     GOOD                                 
                ...and the following is the console subroutine and
storage definitions.  I don't see where the assembler code makes any
distinction regarding highlighting and holding.  Hints?  Thanks. 
        * CONSOL OUTPUT SUBROUTINE                                     
        *        R4  = ADDR OF FIELD TO BE DISPLAYED                   
        *        R5  = LENGTH OF FIELD TO BE DISPLAYED                 
        *        R11 = LINKAGE REGISTER                               
        CNSOT    ST    XR1,CNSOTSV1                                   
                 ST    XR4,CNSOTCCW                                   
                 MVI   CNSOTCCW,X'09'                                 
                 AR    XR4,XR5             POINT TO END OF INPUT FIELD 
                 BCTR  XR4,0                                           
        CNSOT1   CLI   0(XR4),C' '           IS IT BLANK               
                 BNE   CNSOT2                                         
                 BCTR  XR4,0                 BACK 1 BYTE               
                 BCT   XR5,CNSOT1                                     
                 LA    XR5,1                                           
        CNSOT2   STH   XR5,CNSOTCCW+6                                 
                 EXCP  CNSOTCCB                                       
                 WAIT  CNSOTCCB                                       
                 L     XR1,CNSOTSV1                                   
                 BR    XR11                                           
        STACK    DS    16F                                             
        CNSOTCCB CCB   SYSLOG,CNSOTCCW,X'0800'                         
        CNSOTCCW CCW   0,*,X'20',0                                     
        CNSOTSV1 DS    F                                               
        CNSLMSG  DS    0CL50                                           
        CNSLMID  DC    CL8'KSDSVA :'                                   
        CNSLTXT  DS    CL42                                           
        Dave Clark
        WinWholesale Group Services
        3110 Kettering Boulevard
        Dayton, Ohio  45439  USA
        (937) 294-5331
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