Hi Ram,

I have been reading your posts and the replies.  Could answer a few questions 
for me?

1.  Are you a student?  If so, high school, college, some other training 
2.  What kind of data is it?  PDS? a database(if so what kind)? flat file? VSAM?
3.  How much data, how many datasets, are you needing to protect? 
4.  Sensitive data can mean different things to different people.  Please 
explain why this data is sensitive.  
5.  Are any of the datasets on your system resrticted?  Can anybody read, 
execute, update, or alter any datast they want too or are some/most datasets 
protected by some means?
6.  If some or many of the datasets on your system protected, can some there 
tell you how or help protect your dataset?

On this forum, somthimes the 'old dogs' can be a bit gruff.  Most times they 
are very helpful and kind, once you get to know them.  I know too that all of 
us are cautious about people we don't know.  None of us would want to offer 
help to anyone who might not use it for good things.  Occasionally too, someone 
will ask many questions for what seems to be their own entertainment.   Most of 
us don't have enough time to guess about what someone needs.  Please try to 
give the full picture when you can.

Where are you located?  Have you heard about zNextGen?  


Linda Mooney
-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Ram Balaji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Hi Anton/john, 
> John your assumptions are correct, 
> 1)Iam just a programmer. 
> 2)Sensitive data (I should have clearly explained this point). 
> My sensitive datas are training datasets which I have created dealing with 
> training database. Many times I see?people trying to explore my dataset and 
> run 
> them. I dont mind ppl using my dataset but these program point?Training DB, 
> Iam 
> bit worried about this. 
> I cant ask SAF to Protect since its my training dataset. 
> Moreover keeping it in a notepad file is good option. But cant we make it bit 
> easier(within Mainframes). 
> 3) Database should be visible to me alone. 
> 4) Iam using Z/OS. 
> Hey JOHN 
> Thanks a lot for all your valuable suggestion. 
> I tried using TSO PROTECT , this is no more a working command. 
> Any other solution? 
> Hope I made it clear. Sorry for delayed response. 
> Regards, 
> Ram Balaji.S. 
> (Dying Hard to explore MainFrames) 
> -----Original Message----- 
> From: John McKown 
> Sent: Tue, 7 Oct 2008 6:08 pm 
> Subject: Re: PDS LOCk 
> On Tue, 7 Oct 2008, Anton Britz wrote: 
> > Hi Ram, 
> > 
> > Do not get confused with all these technical discussions that you received 
> > but 
> > lets start at the very beginning : 
> > 
> > a) Are you a User , a Systems programmer or just a programmer 
> For some reason, I just ASSuMEd that he was likely a programmer. 
> > b) If you say "sensitive" data .. what do you mean by that 
> Good point. If it is personal data, then I'd strongly suggest that it does 
> not belong on a company machine. 
> > c) Who should be able to see this data ? ex. Only you, Your Department 
> Again, on a company machine, "only you" should not be an option, IMO. 
> Reminds me of some foolish print operators at a place that I used to work. 
> The printer was a Xerox 8700 laser. The operators placed "sensitive 
> personal" information in a file on it, thinking that nobody else would 
> ever see it. Management was not amused when the machine was audited by a 
> Xerox person. They were quickly shown the error of their ways, and the 
> door. Any wonder that I'm paranoid? . 
> > d) What operating system are you using 
> Do PDS'es exist on anything other than z/OS? I know that z/VSE has 
> something similar, but the name is different. At least according to my 
> fading memory. 
> > 
> > Anton 
> > 
> -- 
> Q: What do theoretical physicists drink beer from? 
> A: Ein Stein. 
> Maranatha! 
> John McKown 
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