On Mon, 6 Jul 2009 20:07:54 -0500, Paul Gilmartin <paulgboul...@aim.com> 

>It is my understanding that IBM discourages the use of
>message texts as programming interfaces.  Can anyone
>point me to a clear statement of this in IBM documentation?
>(Notwithstanding that IBM is very reluctant to change
>messages lest that disrupt automated operations.)
Your understanding is correct -- but I doubt that there has ever been a formal 
pronouncement to that effect. 

I wouldn't say that we are very reluctant to make changes to messages so 
much as we want to make sure that the change is necessary, and if 
necessary, is done in the least disruptive way possible both for people and 
automatons. We have made changes to certain messages so that they are 
more easily automatable.

W. Kevin Kelley  IBM POK Lab -- z/OS Core Technical Development

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