On 23/04/2024 11:55 am, Paul Gilmartin wrote:
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 10:59:47 +1000, Andrew Rowley  wrote:
To me, it is much clearer to be explicit, including the concatenation, e.g.
"DELETE " || foo
That overkill is apt to confuse a POSIX shell partisan who would
see the blank as part of the command name

Isn't Rexx assembling it all into one string, which gets then run as the command?

There can be significant spaces between parts of the command, and no spaces allowed in other parts. So you could have e.g.

"DELETE ABC" || suffix
"DELETE" prefix || suffix
which is very different from
"DELETE" prefix suffix

and it can get much more complex. I would rather use a consistent concatenation operator and explicitly insert spaces rather than rely on getting the right concatenation operator in the right place.

It's a matter of style, but there are some things that just look like potential bugs to me.

Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software

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