Dear Colleagues,

First, apologies for sending this report out late. Apparently it was stuck in 
my outbox.

The IAB has uploaded its report for the IETF 119 meeting to the proceedings in 
the datatracker. To access the full report, please see here:

In addition, I would like to highlight some recent/on-going activities:

New IAB webpage
The IAB has a new webpage! Note that some information, like IAB statements, has 
moved to the datatracker but is, of course, linked from the webpage. We hope 
that the new webpage and content rearrangement make it easier to find the 
information you need and improve record holding in general. Any feedback or 
comments on the new webpage are welcome! 

IAB workshop on Barriers to Internet Access of Services (BIAS)
The IAB held its Barriers for Internet Access of Services (BIAS) fully online 
workshop during the week of January 15, 2024, covering three sessions on 
community networks, digital divide, and censorship. 
Dhurv, as one of the chairs, wrote a nice blog post that I recommend; see here:
The first draft of the workshop report has been published here:
For further information on the workshop see:

Interim meetings of IAB Technical Program on Environmental Impacts of Internet 
Technology (eimpact)
The IAB started last year a new program on Environmental Impacts of Internet 
Technology (eimpact) as a venue for discussing environmental impacts and 
sustainability of Internet technology. The program held a first meeting during 
IETF-118 and two interim online sessions on Feb 15 and 16. Find further 
information and all material here:
If you are interested, join the program’s a public mailing: 


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the report or 
anything else, please send a mail to <>. Or 
feel free to also just send me an email directly!

Hope to see you all at IETF 119 either in person or online, at the IAB Open on 
Wednesday, or in the hallways and sessions!

Best regards,
Mirja Kühlewind
IAB Chair
On behalf of the IAB 

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