Hello My dear

Nutshel My Name
is PRECIOUS BORINA slim stature,open minded, honest, trusted,caring and
just to mention but a little. I hope honesty and trust they say build a
strong relationship,no matter the distance that keeps us apart I
beleived  We have a fourlegged friend in comon.thought the love is
unbreakable but I was wrong. Life has taught me a gret lesson however
there are so many life situions which involve two people to be together
I 'm looking for my soul mate.

I will really
appreciate it if we can click together as one great lovers OK.So that
we can know about ourselves and I will give you my pictures for you to
really know more about me. I want to have a normal life, where I will
be a loving wife and I will have a loving husband. We will have a
strong family we will have kids and a house we call our home. We will
have Sundays barbeques and evenings suppers all together.looking
forward to hear from you true my email.


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