  I have to disagree with you on one matter Nishan. We must actively
discourage such efforts. When there is no overall standard for doing
something, people will propagate several conflicting ad-hoc standards.
And when the real standard does arrive, it will take a long time to
subdue the rest. Remember how much problem the conflicting Mathrubhumi
and Manorama fonts used to cause? And remember how much time it took
for Mathrubhumi and Manorama to accept Unicode after it was
established? They didn't even bother to follow the set ISCII standard.
This set Malayalam content generation back by several years - and it
recovered only due to Unicode. Unlike in case of promoting FOSS, I
believe that we must take tough and strict unilateral stance on
promoting unified open standards.

Gokul Das

On Jul 18, 9:30 pm, Nishan Naseer <nishan.nas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am not discouraging the effort, but wouldn't it be better we wait until
> Unicode comes up with a standard code point for the new Rupee Symbol?
> There is already a
> proposal<http://std.dkuug.dk/jtc1/sc2/wg2/docs/n3862.pdf> submitted
> for consideration.
> Thanks,
> Nishan

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