
On Sep 4, 10:32 pm, "stranger in black....." <gnu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> http://maketecheasier.com/ubuntu-10-10-comes-with-multi-touch-support

Let me add a little bit of background info.
Canonical blog: http://blog.canonical.com/?p=414
Shuttleworth blog: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/455
Unity UI spec (very interesting): 

There is a bad news, and a good news. Bad news first - It is too early
to celebrate. uTouch is an experimental framework. It presently
supports only one or two platforms (one is a high end laptop from Dell
- XT2), used as a development platforms. Also, currently its
functionality is too limited to be of any use. It will take some time
to mature.

The good news is - multi touch as touted by Canonical for Ubuntu will
be much more elaborate than anything else we have seen in the area.
Once the API matures, support for available touch screens will improve
irrespective of Canonical's efforts. Meanwhile, uTouch will
revolutionize multitouch in the following ways:

1. As is the tradition with whatever in GNU/Linux, uTouch interaction
will be subject to elaborate standardization. It will be consistent
across environments and applications. It will be easier to learn and

2. The interaction will be much richer than the ones already in
market. Simple gestures can be chained to achieve complex effects.
There will be a gesture language to specify these.

3. The framework will integrate functions in kernel, xserver (mpx) and
userland layers. However, the programming interface will make it a
piece of cake for programmers.

So patience everyone, the future is in the making!

Gokul Das

"Freedom is the only law". 
"Freedom Unplugged"

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