Hi everyone,
  We have a new development which could be a giant leap for FOSS
numerical computing (a la matlab, mathematica). It also calls for and
requires participation of FOSS community -especially CS and math
enthusiasts and those who need a replacement for matlab (those who are
interested, please read the end).

A company named Continuum Analytics is developing a numerical
computing engine called 'Blaze' for python language. It is touted as
the next generation of Numpy. For anyone who doesn't know yet, Numpy
is a library that makes it possible to do Matlab type matrix
calculations in python. Continuum Analytics is headed by Travis
Oliphant - the creator of Numpy.

What is new in Blaze?
I got to read some of the early docs for Blaze. Here are some of my
early impressions. It is a generalization of numpy concepts, and has a
fresh new data model and computing paradigm.

Data model:
The data model of Blaze has arrays/tables that combine concepts of
software like numpy, pandas, pytables and theano. Its features are:

1. You can combine multiple data buffers (called chunks) into a single
array or table. These chunks can include RAM buffers, GPGPU buffers,
hard disk locations and even network streams. This makes it possible
to defines infinitely huge arrays. Numpy could accept only arrays
which span a single RAM buffer, and pytables used to handle storage.

2. You have array/tables whose rows or columns can be tagged by name
(like python maps). For example you can name columns as time,
temperature, pressure etc. This was a feature provided by Pandas and R

3. The 'Dtype' of numpy is generalized and extended. Dtype defines how
raw data buffers in memory have to be interpreted. As a consequence,
you will be able to define arrays with very complex type layout.

Computation model:
The computation engine (for crunching numbers defined by the arrays)
is designed like a virtual machine that accepts python inputs. Its
features are:

1. It can be optimized for the target processing system. For example,
different algorithms can be evolved for CPUs, SMPs (ie, multicore
processors), clusters, GPGPUs, DSPs or vector processors (like Intel
MIC, Nvidia Fermi, Adapteva Parallela).

2. It supports 'Lazy evaluation' - a very significant feature which
makes blaze behave like Mathematica, Sympy or maxima. Numpy presently
evaluates expressions as soon as they are executed. Blaze on the other
hand by default, will wait until an evaluation is forced. What this
means is that when you write a blaze expression in python (like x = a
+ b,  y = x**2), blaze will create a data structure called AST
(abstract syntax tree) instead of executing the specified operation.
AST is a machine representation of the expression. ASTs from multiple
expressions are combined (you will get y = {a+b}**2 ), and finally
executed when a result is required.
This allows optimization of expressions before evaluation - for
example (a*b + a*c) can be optimized as (a*(b+c)), since
multiplication is expensive. You also get advantage of symbolic
mathematics- for example, when you do sin(x)**2 + cos(x)**2, you can
get an array of 1s without even evaluating the expression.

Blaze has many more features like these, but I could figure out only
these so far. An official announcement is yet to come. To know more
about Blaze, you can refer these:

1. Slides presented for PyCon: 

2. Docs within blaze repositories:
    NDTables doc: 

3. GitHub repositories:

 Blaze could boost FOSS numerical computing if done successfully. It
will create a powerful and versatile numerics tool for multiple target
machines. But there is a catch. Continuum Analytics is a company with
commercial interests. In the principles.txt document, they state that
they intend to publish the specifications for blaze and a 'reference
implementation' as open source, but an optimized version will be
closed source. This is just like Bittorrent, whose protocol is open,
but the canonical implementation is closed. Other developers have
produced good free implementations like Transmission. Just like that,
blaze will require optimized free implementations for various
backends. There is a need for developers to step up to this and there
is good opportunity too. For example, someone could do an
implementation for Intel MIC or a DSP coprocessor as a college project
(a very large one).

If anyone is interested, please share your comments. More insights on
the design documentation, your thoughts about the project, and
expression of interest are welcome.

Gokul Das

"Freedom is the only law". 
"Freedom Unplugged"

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