After a long duration JIIT LUG finally organised an InstallFest and Workshop
on November 8th, Saturday.
For those who missed out on attending this meetup, have definitely missed
out on a lot. In summary, we had a (short) installfest, an enlightening
hands-on workshop on QT GUI development, and something we've hardly done
before - discussions.. a lot of short discussions focused on several
different topics, bouncing from one to the other as the participants
pleased, both ad-hoc and group. It was a true "Linux Users' Group meet" this
time, which was majorly influenced by the external audience. They've got it
going since a long time and know how it's done. It's time we learnt it from
them. Ajay had sprung up some discussions on the utility and power of the
world wide web - on the importance of going out there and making your
presence, something which JIITians seriously need to execute to stay ahead
in the race. Ankur and Angad talked on AJAX for some time. We discussed a
few problems Tejas (a 2nd yearite) had been
his project. Thanks to the meet we were able to understand what his
problem really was which was described quite differently on the list and we
were able to tell him concrete solutions then. All's well that ends well

We did some initial warming up and discussing, until Shantanu was all set
for starting the QT workshop. I sincerely want to thank Shantanu for holding
an excellent workshop indeed. We did not have a provision for projector, so
everyone gathered around and sat in a circle listening to Shantanu's insight
into GUI development in QT. He started with few hello world examples,
demonstrating both command-line and QT-Designer based development styles
leaving it to the audience to choose their own as they like. Nandeep Mali
showed off an OpenGL demo application made in QT on his MacBook Pro running
OSX - which was simply amazing! I hope that the students who attended this
workshop make full use of the knowledge gained in their academic projects or
just go out and contribute. Let us all know what you make :)

It was nice to see many people from outside college turn up this time :)

We had Nandeep Mali and Shantanu Choudhary from Sarai, Kinshuk from OSSCube
(the company which *started* OSSCamps ;)), Ajay (who has also come to our
college earlier too - in the Sudhir Gandhotra meet), Praneet from Mentor
Graphics, Khushbu Mohta from Krishna Engineering College and (a couple more
guys I'm missing).

We started at the scheduled time but people did not turn up till 12. And we
had to go through the usual drill of calling up people, telling them about
the meet, only to first find out they have no clue there was one scheduled
(despite the mailing list posts, cross posts and posters all around the
campus). Angad did a head count in the middle of the QT workshop and there
were 17 people till then.

Khushbu brought along her XO. The XO is the 100$ laptop developed under the
popular One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project. I and Khushbu had developed an
application called TypingTurtle for the XO laptop( It
constitutes several exercises and a turtle moves across the
word/letter/sentence as you type each letter. It's a cool game for kids to
help them learn how to type. The XO definitely got people excited and added
on to the 'air of openness' :)

Near the end of the meet I distributed free fedora 9 dvd's to all folks
present (from my fedora-ambassador bag of goodies) and we posed for a group
photograph holding them up :)

Well the overall outcome is that it really felt like having a LUG meet - a
place where geeks meetup, connect, network and share ideas and thoughts -
and we just did that yet again. Thanks to Ankur for running around to get
people to attend. Thanks to Angad for the organisation/people gathering
process and pics. And thanks to everyone for joining. The Tux is back in
college folks :)

Pics of the event:

Prakhar Agarwal
Fedora Ambassador-Delhi, India
Linux User# 474643
GPG key: 8BC6532F
"Life is the greatest teacher"
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