I thought that was an IMail-only feature.

At 1/23/2006 08:02 AM, you wrote:
I've been with iMail for about 8 years. For most of this time I've been teaching my clients to use "plussed addressing". This is the practice of having people sent you mail at username-mailbox(at)doman.com. this will automatically route email sent to username to the specified mailbox. I thought that this was a standard in the RFCs, and ass-um-med that other mail servers worked similarly.

Well, now it's come time for me to move away from i-mail. I've got the trial version of keriomailserver loaded and running in a test environment, and I absolutley LOVE IT so far. Except for the fact that I can't seem to get plussed addressing to work. I, personally must have over a hundred email boxes where people/companies only have my plussed email address. Any mail sent to these adresses will bounce. I have no idea how many other people on my server use this feature as extensivley as I do. Does anyone know if kerio supports this or of some simple workaround? No, making a separate user account for each plussed address is not an option.

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