A little known product that works great. FACSys from Optus  Go to www.facsys.com
We have implemented Fax >> Email where any incoming fax that is routed (manually or via a CSID routing table) to the user gets sent to that user as an email attachment. Haven't implemented Email >> Fax but v4.6 claims to do this quite well. I'm at v4.1 and Email to Fax wasn't fully developed.
Works so well I don't touch the system for weeks at a time. That's one of the reasons I haven't upgraded.  "If it ain't broke, don't fix it..."
Tom Cyr
CBC Inc.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2000 11:46 AM
Subject: [IMail Forum] Fax to Email

Does anyone here have a good Fax - To - Email solution?  We currently=20
correspond with our field personnel through fax and email, but would =
to eliminate faxing to them externally and only use Email.

Please email me if you know of a good solution for this.

Jeff Reinhardt
System Administrator
MJM Investigations, Inc.

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