> Just installed the latest IMail (first time with this version) and it
> was doing some things that looked a little funky to me.
Someone else may answer

> First, I removed the default relay restriction from SMTP for the local
> machine since I have an antispam proxy (ASSP) running on the same box.
> Couldn't get messages in until I did this.
Someone else may answer

> Second, it all of a sudden stopped accepting connections from the
> antispam proxy.  When I went in and looked the SMTP restriction was back
> for the local machine.  I did stop and restart the SMTP service after
> making the change the first time.
Someone else may answer

> Third, after a reboot the SMTP service did not start.  No log entry or
> anything in the events for the box.
Someone else may answer

> Fourth, as each message comes in, I see a Network Layer Invalid State
> message in the logs, but it is delivering messages to the accounts.
IPSwitch acknowledged this as a log entry left over from development and can
safely be ignored. The also stated it will be removed in the next release.

Kevin Bilbee

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