Hello Peter,

can  you  give  us some facts/sources/links, which explains what leads you to
this  opinion?  I  never  heard that any provider is actual taking money for
incomming  SMTP-Connections. I know it is discussed, but are there any
hard facts? Any major "free"-Mailer doing this at the moment?


> welcome to the new scheme of pay to play.  They have tagged you as
> a commercial emailer.  You have to pay per email to skip their filters.

> -----Original Message-----

> From:  Jeffery Rehm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subj:  [IMail Forum] Email to Yahoo accounts returned unknown
> Date:  Wed Mar 8, 2006 11:01 am
> Size:  410 bytes
> To:  IMail Forum <IMail_Forum@list.ipswitch.com>

> Trying to send messages to Yahoo accounts and the messages are being 
> returned as User Unknown.  However, can send to these accounts via other
> providers.  Can send to non-Yahoo accounts without a problem.

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Matti Haack - Hit Haack IT Service Gmbh
Poltlbauer Weg 4, D-94036 Passau
+49 851 50477-22 Fax: +49 851 50477-29

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