Here was a better translation:


But if you have a root-kit, you really should try to format.



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Richard Farris
Sent: Saturday, December 02, 2006 9:50 PM
Subject: [IMail Forum] Virus on Imail server


Since 10/06/06 I have been fighting a virus on my mail server...was not too
concerned about it until last week when it evidently helped me get
blacklisted with spamcop, spamhause, UBL and some others....can anyone tell
me how to get rid of it...I have tried everything to no avail....

The virus is putting "a.exe" and ".exe" in the winnt\system32 folder and or
the C:\ drive

Also it has 1x32.exe or 2X32.exe or 0X32.exe running in the Task Manager and
it installs Numeric file in Registry...

It also puts files like Hub101bl in the Internet.IE5 folder in Temporary
Internet Files...


Spamcop said I had a proxy virus that is sending out emails..maybe thru
forms on server as this is my web server also..don't understand that but I
don't doubt it....


I have made a temporary solution by relaying mail to a server that is not
listed and so far in the past week it is OK...but

the server keeps getting blacklisted by one or more lists..I
have declude hijack and have locked the server down by requiring all
customers to go to server authentication..I thought that would stop


I can clean the server completely with F-Prot then Trojan Hunter and the
next moring it is all back and I have to try to do the same thing
over...sometimes the server will stay clean for days and sometimes just a
few is driving me crazy....anyone else out there ever
experience this and if so how did you fix it...


Many of my google serches have brought up Chinese web sites which may be the
source....I am not sure..


This web site has a very good description of what I am seeing but has not
helped me..


If you need anymore info let me know and if you thing you can help I will
email you directly...

Richard Farris
Ethixs Online Office
1.800.548.3877 Tech Support
"Crossroads to a Cleaner Internet"

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