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                                From: "Steinar Rasch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2007 8:55 AM
To: Imail_Forum@list.ipswitch.com
Subject: [IMail Forum] Moving on! 

Hi all!

We have decided to move on, away from IMail.

We have 50.000 users and 1 terrabyte mail in one domain.

IMail 2006.1 and the new webmail is a disaster.

We have to restart the main server 3-4 times a day and the same with IIS and
MS SQL server. We get errors all the time.

We get no real help form Ipswitch support and they never really answer our
questions correctly, only points us in another direction which has no baring
at all...

We waited a long time before upgrading from 8.22, but we had to this
cristmas because we needed more storage. We had a test machine running
2006.1 for 6 months before that, with no problems. The problems came with
all the users logging in.

We will keep IMail for some smaller domains, but we are moving the big one
to Unix/Linux and @Mail, www.atmail.com

We appreciate the help we have gotten from this list in the past 4 years.



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