N> There are NS records for your domain (not sure why Matti looked for NS
N> records for the mail server in that domain) and the MX record seems fine, as
N> does the PTR for your mail server.
I looked for the mailserver records, because they are required by some

This is what DNSreport.com tells about the NS for the mailserver:

WARNING: One or more of your mailservers is claiming to be a host
other than what it really is (the SMTP greeting should be a 3-digit
code, followed by a space or a dash, then the host name).

If your mailserver sends out E-mail using this domain in its EHLO or HELO,
your E-mail might get blocked by anti-spam software. This is also a
technical violation of RFC821 4.3 (and RFC2821 4.3.1). Note that the
hostname given in the SMTP greeting should have an A record pointing
back to the same server. Note that this one test may use a cached DNS

email.systelinc.com claims to be host email.systelinc.com [but
A lookup times out]:
220 email.systelinc.com (IMail 9.10 2334-8)
NT-ESMTP Server X1 email1.systelinc.com claims to be host
email.systelinc.com [but that host is at (may be
cached), not].

Maybe this is the reason why intel refuses the connection.


Matti Haack - Hit Haack IT Service Gmbh
Poltlbauer Weg 4, D-94036 Passau
+49 851 50477-22 Fax: +49 851 50477-29

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