The only difference between 2006 and 2006.1 was an additional hidden field
was added called hdnPwdChanged.  No additional fields were added for 2006.2
so the login pages should continue to work.  I took a look the files that
are included with the KB article and the one for 2006 will work if you just
add that hdnPwdChanged field that I mentioned.  The other file which was
provided by a user appears to work differently from what the article
mentions.  If you use that file, your username ends up being "<enteredUser>"
and "<enteredPassword>" which of course will result in an invalid login
message.  It doesn't seem to support being able to pass the username and
password via the querystring as the original 2006 file did so I am guessing
the user who made it intended for you to hardcode your username and password
in the "<enteredUser>" and "<enteredPassword>" locations.  If hardcoding
doesn't work for your purposes and you need to pass the values via the
querystring, you'll need an updated version of the original 2006 file.  I
have made one and will have it added to the article page soon.  I will also
attach it to this email.  Let me know if you have any problems with it.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Matt
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 3:38 AM
Subject: [IMail Forum] Alternative sign on page with 2006.2

I found the following KB article that covers how to do this:

    IMail - How to do Single Sign On with IMail 2006

It lists versions for both 2006 and 2006.1, but not for 2006.2.  I tried
the 2006.1 version with 2006.2 and had no success (I had a friend who is
great with JavaScript, XML, etc. stay up late and try to get this to
work).  We were both too tired to try to start taking apart the code,
but it appears that this simply won't work the way it was provided.

I'm wondering if the code in the KB is supposed to work with 2006.2, or
if there is some code somewhere that could be used to create a custom
sign-on page.  I've searched the archives as well as the message board
to no avail thus far, and any help would be appreciated.



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