All you need to do is put html comment tags around whatever part of the user 
options page you do not wish users to be able to change.  Below is an example 
of how you would do this. Please note that this is just an example of the 
technique to use and not the actual code that needs to be commented out.
     <td class="header3Cell" colspan="3"><span 
id="lblUserOptsChangePwdText">Change Password</span></td>
The html comment tags are <!-- and  /--> and  as you can see in the example 
above, I have added them in front and behind the <tr> tags.  This will 
effectively hide this part of the page from the user.  The old user options 
page you used before will not work because there are new ASP.Net controls on 
the new one that the code is looking for.  Because of that same reason, you 
cannot simply remove pieces of the page that you don't want shown and must 
instead use html comment tags to hide the parts you do not wish to be shown.  I 
hope this helps to explain what needs to be done.  If you look at the actual 
user options page, it should be apparent which parts need to be commented out 
to accomplish what you are hoping to do.
Marc Rosamond
Senior Web Developer - Ipswitch, Inc.
-----Original Message-----
From: "Tyler Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent 12/30/2007 2:04:42 PM
To: "Ipswitch IMail Mailing List" <>
Subject: [IMail Forum] Preferences in 2006.23Hello and Happy Holidays. I just 
did the upgrade to 2006.23 from 2006.04 and all is working except it overwrote 
my previous useroptions.aspx. I am not a web developer or coder of any sort so 
my asp skills are zero. With my old useroptions.aspx I had someone "comment 
out" the change password feature so it was grayed out and user could not change 
their password. I need to do the same thing on the new useroptions.aspx. I 
would also like to disable the Forward To: option as well because I don't want 
my users to be able to forward to a different account. I tried replacing the 
new useroptions.aspx with the old on and it didn't like that.  If anyone has 
any ideas on what needs to be modified to disable password change and forward 
to capabilities I would appreciate you help very much!! Thanks!! Tyler

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