This is because you are using IMAP and according to Ipswitch, Microsoft has
a bug in their client where by because of an improperly formed header, the
message is not downloaded...  I have been told that if there is a leading
space in some part of the header, it will cause this to happen....

I live with this problem and it really irritates me, but I like Outlook
Express and IMAP enough that it all evens out in the end.

If anyone knows of a solution to this, please feel free to share... and
please don't give the canned "check the knowledge base" answer, as the
solution given there doesn't work !



----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 5:55 PM
Subject: [IMail Forum] invisible mail

> As long as I'm begging for help, I might as well go for broke and ask for
> advice on a second question.  For those of you with long memories, I
posted a
> similar question in late February.  Sadly, my DNS problems started
> that day, and I never received any of the replies.
> We have a problem with what appears to be invisible email.  That is, if
> sit at the mail server and open a mail client (either the IMail client or
> Outlook Express), you can see all of the messages.  However, if you open
> same account from another machine, some messages may not be visible.
> Let me give an explicit example: I have a mailbox in this particular
> Someone outside complained I wasn't getting their mail.  I figured their
> was getting bounced, except that there were no error messages.  However, I
> think opened the account from the mail server itself, and found all of the
> "missing" messages had indeed arrived.  For some reason, these messages
> not getting downloaded to mail clients off of the mail server.
> What could cause this and how do I fix it?
> Right now, I am forced to periodically log into the mail server and check
> "missing" mail in various mailboxes.  Anytime someone thinks that a mail
> message is overdue, the quick response is "hey, Ben, can you check the
> server to see if I really received this mail or not?"
> Ben Bednarz
> BC Web
> For my next upgrade, I'm going back to paper cups and string.
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