>This seems to be a fairly simple question and I hope someone can provide a 
>simple answer.  In the documentation for IMail 7 it is fairly well 
>explained how incoming mail is handled when a domain is configured across 
>multiple physical systems using peering but what I can't seem to find is 
>an explanation for how things are handled on the POP3 and web interface sides.

... because they aren't handled by "SMTP peering", which is little more 
than some proprietary fanciness added to MX "peering", and requires the 
harvesting-vulnerable SMTP VRFY to be activated on each peer, bad practice.

mailboxes are tied physically to each IMail peer (in the registry), so each 
peer must have a separate A record DNS and the users have to setup their 
pop client and URL to get to the right box.

>   I would like to have all my clients configured to use pop.mydomain.com 
> as their POP server and web interface access and use DNS for round-robin 
> distribution with the following entries:
>pop.mydomain.com.   in   a   x.x.x.1
>pop.mydomain.com.   in   a   x.x.x.2




smtpa.domain.com    ; SMTP AUTH for users' outbound mail

>  My question is in two parts.  First, will IMail handle this type of 
> configuration


>  and second, how?

there some tricks, but not with basic Imail facilities. somebody who's done 
it might chime in.

>   What happens if I connect to the web interface or the POP3 port of the 
> system that does not actually host my mail box?

"unknown user"

>   How does the web interface display my contents or how is my mail 
> delivered to my POP client?

only if you connect your browser or pop client or smt client to the ip 
where your mailbox is.

>  I apologize if this is answered somewhere else.  I was not able to find 
> any information on it in the documentation or the knowledge base.

How to use "SMTP peering" setup for non-SMTP protocols is a FAQ.


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