I did an examination of my logs and found the following:

20020130 161025 Socket Error - Error while writing sockect due to error 
10053 or malicious connection type.
20020130 161025 Request processed with no referer and user agent
20020130 161026 Info - Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0) 
http://email.chartway.com:8383/menu.51635.cgi?uid=IMANGELROSE GET 
/print.25232.cgi?uid=IMANGELROSE&auto=yes HTTP/1.0.
20020130 161027 Socket Error - Error while writing sockect due to error 
10053 or malicious connection type.
20020130 161027 Socket Error - Error while writing sockect due to error 
10054 or malicious connection type.
20020130 161033 Socket Error - Error while writing sockect due to error 
10054 or malicious connection type.
20020130 161038 Info - Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0) 

This happened at the exact moment my server froze

The Ipswitch Knowledge base is not much help

Can anyone offer any help / suggestions

This occurs roughly once every 2 hours and brings my server down. Restarting web 
messaging fixes the problem



>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/30/02 04:18PM >>>
> I am still getting web messaging problems with the new HF2
> Ipswitch put out yesterday
> My server web messaging has stopped twice today already!
> Could this have anything to do with it:
> I have a default.asp page set up at
> http://email.chartway.com 
> that does a Response.Redirect over to
> http://email.chartway.com:8383 
> Could this be causing the issue with my Imail web messaging problem?
> I'm clutching at straws right now!
> I was sooooo stable before the hotfixes

The IIS redirect shouldn't have anything to do with it, unless of course
you've got the nimda virus still hitting it on port 80 (check your IIS
logs). You should know, however, that it's more efficient to do the
redirect with IIS configuration, rather than with a default.asp page.

A close examination of your logs, from both IIS and iwebmsg, should be
done, particularly in the times immediately preceding crashes.

Ron Hornbaker
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  http://humankindsystems.com 
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  w e  c o d e.  w e  c a r e.

  .  http://AnswerTrack.com - eCRM email tracking solution
  .  http://KillerWebMail.com - the name says it all
  .  http://hksi.net/products - EZSignUp, You'veGotIMail!, etc...
  .  http://hksi.net/testimonials - 2,317 admins can't be wrong

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