> > Does anyone know if ipSwitch will put in a DOS defense regarding the
> > Code Red virus and its variants?  I wouldn't think this is hard to do.
> It might not be hard to do, but I don't think it would help much either.
> CodeRed is only dangerous to IIS.  IMail doesn't use IIS, so to it a CodeRed
> attempt looks like junk and IMail more or less ignores it.  A CodeRed
> specific defense in IMail couldn't do much better - it would still receive
> the junk before it could do anything with it.
> If you want DoS protection against CodeRed et al, you need to have filters
> in place as far upstream from your servers as you can get it - at your ISP
> or backbone connection is best.  By the time the attempt gets routed to you
> and reaches your network, it's too late for DoS protection.

I don't know if Denial of Service is the right term.  We get hit by Code Red
about 3-4 times per day, certainly not a lot.  But over the course of 3 days
this activity causes iMail to freeze the Winsock as best as I can tell.  So if
iMail HTTP deamon would just ignore that type of request it would help for sure.

I am looking into changes to firewall and using BlackIce on server, but this
won't be a simple change on my side.

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