On Tue, 18 Nov 2003 11:57:04 -0500 
R. Scott Perry was heard babbling something about Re: [IMail Forum] TEST -- DO NOT 

> >Test only -- I sent a message to the list and it doesn't seem to have
> gone
> >through. It's REALLY gonna suck if the IMail list is deleting messages
> >based on the VALFROM test. I'm sending this to one of my own addresses
> so I
> >can have a look at the headers after delivery.
> No, this isn't a test.  :)
> I doubt that the IMail Forum is deleting messages that fail their
> test -- but then again, so what if it does?  If so, you now know that
> you 
> have a problem, and you need to fix it.  Not fixing it is going to cause 
> serious problems down the line (for example, you won't get any bounce 
> messages).
> How about explaining the problem in more detail?
>                                                     -Scott

Figured out why mail sent directly to the list worked and REPLIES to list
messages didn't -- I think. This message will verify.

My mail client was setting the "Reply-To:" header on mail in this folder to
whatever was in the "To:" field. I'm sure the list is blocking mail that
has a "Reply-To" set to it's own address -- smart thing to do -- loop
prevention. Inadvertantly checked box in my mail client <sigh>.

Scott replied to the direct copy of my other message with the pertinent
points so I won't copy the whole thing here.

Time to go beat on my hosting server about the MX records. They both point
to the same IP -- I have no idea why they did that <sigh>.


Gerald V. Livingston II

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