this batch file will create a file that includes the contents of the forward.ima.  You 
will need to change the folder locations to match your setup, I have a folder named 
GFPSAdmin that I do all this stuff in, that's what you'll need to change as well as 
the path to your imail folder.

maybe this will get you to a file you can then do more with....
@echo off

echo This batch looks for the file named forward.ima in each users 
echo directory. It can be used to determine the accounts that have a
echo forward setup. It writes out a file of userids (folders) and the
echo contents of the users forward.ima file
echo. Resulting file is named forwards.log
echo I currenly have it writing out the new forward.ima entry for the user.
echo .
rem pause
cd \imail
del GFPSAdmin\forwards.log
rem building userlist based on directory only
dir /B /AD users>GFPSAdmin\dirlist.txt

echo Please wait searching directories ...

rem This for loop loops through the dirlist.txt file looking for the filename
rem forward.ima in each folder in the file.  If it finds it, it writesthe
rem folder(userid) to the forwards.log file.
rem Note that this command must all be on one single line:

FOR /F "eol= tokens=1,* delims=/" %%i in (GFPSAdmin\dirlist.txt) do for
%%i in (.\users\%%i\forward.ima) do if exist %%i echo %%i forwards to >>
GFPSAdmin\forwards.log |type %%i >> GFPSAdmin\forwards.log|echo. >>

rem echo Check file GFPSAdmin\forwards.log for details.
rem echo.

On Thursday, April 8, 2004 12:27 PM, Schmeits, Roger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I am in the need to grep all (count 200) forward.ima files for email
>addresses. The contents are in the format of [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
>.,[EMAIL PROTECTED] I need to take all those addresses and put them in one
>file.  This file will be for ASSP on the no-processing list. What windows
>utility would one use to grep these files on a regular time
>Has anyone else done this or know of an utility to get the job
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