Hi All, 

We are currently having problems with attachments in emails.  We have an outside 
agency which emails us teachers CVs for teaching positions at the school.  When we 
recieve these emails the subject is changed to "undetermind message" and has the 
following added. 

"The attached messsage was not able to be fully scanned. 
Extreme care should be taken if the sender in unknown to you or the message contains 

The message could not be scanned for a number of reasons but the most common are: 

The message does not conform to defined standards 
Microsoft Excel files are password protected 
An error occured extracting an attachment in the message" 

I can verify the sender of the email and the attachment is a word document. 

What can be causing this problem? 

Kind regards 

Peter Adams 
ICT technician 

Dunraven School - www.dunraven-school.org.uk 
Tel No 020 8677 2431 ext 262   

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